Context geogràfic

Geography context

This entry is releated to the seas and oceans.


  • Arctic Ocean: It covers about 14,056,000 km² of extension and its depths range between 2000 m and 4000 m in the central region. The waters of the Arctic Ocean remain under thick layers of ice for the most part.
  • Pacific Ocean: It occupies one third of its surface. Area 165.700.000 km².The Pacific contains approximately 25,000 islands (more than all the other oceans in the world combined).
  • Atlantic ocean: It is the second largest ocean on Earth after the Pacific Ocean with 106.400.000km2. It occupies 20% of the surface of the planet. It is also the youngest ocean on the planet, formed 200 million years ago by the division of the supercontinent Pangea.
  • Indic ocean: The Indian Ocean covers approximately 20% of the planet's surface. Its area is 73.556.000 km².In the southern hemisphere of the ocean, in its central region, typical storms are created continuously,
  • Antartic ocean: It has an area of ​​20,327,000 km².The glaciers that have spread and floated on the surface of the ocean have formed an extensive system of ice plateaus.

South seas


In the world there are 65 seas scattered around the continents.

  • Europe (18) 1- "Adriatic" 2- "Baltic" 3- "White" 4- "English Channel" 5- "Cantabrian" 6- "Celtic" 7- "Alboran" 8- "Azovde" 9- "Barents" 10- "from Friesland" 11- "Ireland from" 12- "Marmaradel" 13- "North" 14- "Aegean" 15- "Ionian" 16- "Mediterranean" 17- "Black" 18 "Tireno"
  • America (14)  1-"Argentino"  2-"Bahía de Hudson"  3-"Beaufort"  4-"Caribe"  5-"Chileno"  6-"Cortés" 7-"De Ansenuza"  8-"De Bering"  9-"De Chukotka"  10-"De Grau"  11-De Groenlandia"  12-"De Labrador  13-"De los Sargazos"  14-"Grandes Lagos"
  • Asia (21)   1- "Yellow" 2- "Arabic" 3- "White" 4- "Caspian" 5- "Andaman" 6- "Aral" 7- "Band" 8- "De Bering" 9- "De Célebres" 10- "South China" 11- "East China" 12- "From the Philippines" 13- "DeJapón" 14- "From Okhotsk" 15- "From Eastern Siberia" 16- "From Sulu 17-" Interior from Seto " 18- "Kara" 19- "Lápatev" 20- "Dead" 21- "Red"
  • Africa (4) 1- "Alborán" 2- "Arabic" 3- "Mediterranean" 4- "Red"
  • Australia (8)  1- "De Arafura" 2- "De Bismarck" 3- "Coral" 4- "From the Philippines" 5- "From Halmahera" 6- "From Solomon" 7- "From Tasmania" 8- "From Timor"

Finally some curiosities of Dead sea

6 cosas que no sabias sobre el Mar Muerto
Dead sea
1-For some reasons it is called the Dead Sea so no organisms live, but some bacteria, fungi and microorganisms are adapted to the habitat. 
2-Due to that high salinity, the Dead Sea is the ideal place to float.
3-The Dead Sea is like a natural sanatorium because of the minerals of the water, the little allergens in the atmosphere and the few UV rays of the solar radiation. 
4-In this sea the asphalt deposits abound. The ancient civilizations took advantage of this natural resource, with which they built different figures and sculptures.

Personal opinion: This work is so interesting to learn new information about seas and oceans and add general culture.



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