Context geogràfic
Geography context
- Arctic Ocean: It covers about 14,056,000 km² of extension and its depths range between 2000 m and 4000 m in the central region. The waters of the Arctic Ocean remain under thick layers of ice for the most part.
- Pacific Ocean: It occupies one third of its surface. Area 165.700.000 km².The Pacific contains approximately 25,000 islands (more than all the other oceans in the world combined).
- Atlantic ocean: It is the second largest ocean on Earth after the Pacific Ocean with 106.400.000km2. It occupies 20% of the surface of the planet. It is also the youngest ocean on the planet, formed 200 million years ago by the division of the supercontinent Pangea.
- Indic ocean: The Indian Ocean covers approximately 20% of the planet's surface. Its area is 73.556.000 km².In the southern hemisphere of the ocean, in its central region, typical storms are created continuously,
- Antartic ocean: It has an area of 20,327,000 km².The glaciers that have spread and floated on the surface of the ocean have formed an extensive system of ice plateaus.
South seas |
In the world there are 65 seas scattered around the continents.
- Europe (18) 1- "Adriatic" 2- "Baltic" 3- "White" 4- "English Channel" 5- "Cantabrian" 6- "Celtic" 7- "Alboran" 8- "Azovde" 9- "Barents" 10- "from Friesland" 11- "Ireland from" 12- "Marmaradel" 13- "North" 14- "Aegean" 15- "Ionian" 16- "Mediterranean" 17- "Black" 18 "Tireno"
- America (14) 1-"Argentino" 2-"Bahía de Hudson" 3-"Beaufort" 4-"Caribe" 5-"Chileno" 6-"Cortés" 7-"De Ansenuza" 8-"De Bering" 9-"De Chukotka" 10-"De Grau" 11-De Groenlandia" 12-"De Labrador 13-"De los Sargazos" 14-"Grandes Lagos"
- Asia (21) 1- "Yellow" 2- "Arabic" 3- "White" 4- "Caspian" 5- "Andaman" 6- "Aral" 7- "Band" 8- "De Bering" 9- "De Célebres" 10- "South China" 11- "East China" 12- "From the Philippines" 13- "DeJapón" 14- "From Okhotsk" 15- "From Eastern Siberia" 16- "From Sulu 17-" Interior from Seto " 18- "Kara" 19- "Lápatev" 20- "Dead" 21- "Red"
- Africa (4) 1- "Alborán" 2- "Arabic" 3- "Mediterranean" 4- "Red"
- Australia (8) 1- "De Arafura" 2- "De Bismarck" 3- "Coral" 4- "From the Philippines" 5- "From Halmahera" 6- "From Solomon" 7- "From Tasmania" 8- "From Timor"
Finally some curiosities of Dead sea
Dead sea
1-For some reasons it is called the Dead Sea so no organisms live, but some bacteria, fungi and microorganisms are adapted to the habitat.
2-Due to that high salinity, the Dead Sea is the ideal place to float.
3-The Dead Sea is like a natural sanatorium because of the minerals of the water, the little allergens in the atmosphere and the few UV rays of the solar radiation.
4-In this sea the asphalt deposits abound. The ancient civilizations took advantage of this natural resource, with which they built different figures and sculptures.
Personal opinion: This work is so interesting to learn new information about seas and oceans and add general culture. WEBGRAPHY |
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