
There are a lot of famouse books about the sea and the oceans, but here you can read about three of these books.

  • The old man and the sea.
  • Moby dick.
  •  20000 leagues under the sea.

 The writter of this book was Ernest Hemingway, who published the book in 1952.
This book gave him fame with the prize of Pulitzer in 1953.
    This book tell the story of a fisherman who wanted to catch a big fish. He tried a lot of time and finally he catch it.

  Ernest Hemingway (1952)
The old man and the sea


    Moby-dick or The whale

This Book was writen by Herman Melville and published in 1851. Moby Dick
is considerated the biggest novel in United States.
The big whale or Moby-dick tell the story of a pirate who wanted to hunt the whale that ate his leg. Finally the Moby Dick, the whale, survive and the ship sank.

Herman Melville (1851)
Moby Dick

20000 leagues under the sea

Julio Verne was the writer of this book, published in 1870.
The teacher Arronax decided to research about the lost people in the sea. Embarks on an aventure under the sea with the capitain Nemo. Them both found the monster and resolve the problem.

                                                                                                                          Jules Verne (1870)
20000 leagues under the sea

I really don't like this section because I have stayed with the desire to know more about all of this amazing books, but I haven't got enought time to search more information about these novels.

The old man and the sea:
Moby Dick:
20000 leagues under the sea:


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